The Regina Police Service Access and Privacy Unit is responsible for responding to requests made under the Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (LA FOIP). These requests for police records could be from members of the public, insurance representatives, law firms, and other federal and provincial agencies and programs. Upon receipt of the request, the local authority must then collect responsive (relevant) records and determine if the individual is entitled to receive them. These records are released in accordance of the Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (LA FOIP).
When submitting an access request, you must provide:
- Your name,
- Your current contact address,
- A telephone number or email address where you can be reached during the day, and
- A $20.00 application fee
- Date of birth
Please provide enough detail to enable the RPS Access and Privacy Team to identify the records you are seeking. Please provide any known dates, times, locations, RPS file numbers, etc. applicable to the requested records.
If you are requesting your personal information you will be required to produce one piece of valid (non-expired) government-issued photo identification such as a driver’s license or a passport to verify your identity. If you would like to receive your records via email, fax or mail we recommend you submit a copy of this identification with your request. Copies of identification will be destroyed once the applicant’s identity has been confirmed.
If you are requesting the personal information of another person you are required to provide proof that you have the authority to receive the information requested.
You may submit your request by email, mail, fax or in person at RPS Headquarters. Requests must be in writing.
Mailing address:
Attn: Access and Privacy Team
Regina Police Service
P.O. Box 196
Regina, SK S4P 2Z8
Fax: (306) 757-5461
In person:
Regina Police Service Headquarters – 1717 Osler St, Regina
When the RPS Access and Privacy Team receives your Request for Access to Information, a file will be opened and you will receive an acknowledgment email or letter confirming receipt of the request. In some cases you may be contacted by the Access and Privacy Team if the request needs to be clarified or if the Access and Privacy Team requires further information from you. The Access and Privacy Team will also contact you via your preferred method of communication once your records are ready.
Records are generally provided as a password protected email attachment unless the applicant has specified an alternate preferred method of receipt.
A $20 application fee is payable at the time the Request for Access to Information is made. In addition, the RPS may charge fees to cover the cost of processing your Access to Information request. For charges over $100, a fee estimate will be provided before the processing of your request. The RPS may request a deposit of 50% of the fee estimate before proceeding with the request; the other 50% is payable when the request is completed. The Access and Privacy Team will contact you prior to the request being processed to ensure you accept the fee estimate.
Fees are charged in accordance with section 5 of The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Regulations.
Cheques, payable to the Regina Police Service may be mailed to the Access and Privacy Team. You may also pay by cheque, cash, debit or credit in person at the RPS headquarters, Access to Information Section.
Gathering and Use of Information by RPS
Personal information collected by the RPS shall be collected for an identified business purpose and the collection shall be limited to information necessary for the fulfillment of that purpose. The RPS has an obligation to inform the individual as to why the information is being collected and what it will be used for.
The Regina Police Service uses audio and video recording in its facilities and vehicles. This information is used to ensure the safety and security of citizens and employees of the Regina Police Service.
When a member of the public calls 9-11 their call is recorded and the caller’s personal information will be collected in order to respond to the call for service. Callers will not be notified of this collection of personal information at the time of the 9-11 call as it is the priority of the Regina Police Service to respond to the call for service as soon as possible.
Personal information shall be used for the purpose for which it was collected or for a use consistent with that purpose. Before the information is used for any other purpose, the RPS shall obtain consent from the individual.
Personal information may be disclosed with the consent of the individual or when consistent with collection purposes.
Disclosure of personal information without consent in limited circumstances can be done, such as (but not limited to):
- By subpoena or warrant;
- Court disclosure;
- To protect the mental or physical health or safety of an individual;
- To assist in the provision of services to the individual; or
- To comply with an Act or regulation, etc.
The RPS protects personal information through the use of security safeguards.
Correction of Personal Information
The RPS shall take reasonable steps to ensure that personal information in its possession is accurate, complete and up-to-date. Under LA FOIP individuals have the right to request an amendment to their personal information held by a local authority.
An individual who believes there is an error or omission in a record containing their personal information held by the RPS may request that the RPS correct the information. The applicant may make a request for correction by sending an email or letter to the RPS Access and Privacy Team. The applicant may be asked to provide official documentation as proof for the correction. There is no fee to make a request for correction to personal information.
Privacy Complaint
Individuals have the right to file a complaint regarding the handling of their personal information under LA FOIP. If you believe that the Regina Police Service has mishandled your personal information you may contact the RPS Access and Privacy Team. If you remain dissatisfied with the RPS’s response, you have the right to raise your concerns with the Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner.
Requests for information not processed by the Access and Privacy Team:
- Requests for insurance, property damage, and motor vehicle accident information: These are processed by the RPS Access to Information section.
- Media requests for information: Members of the media have the right to request information through the formal Access to Information process; however, these inquiries can often be best facilitated through the RPS Public Information section. Media inquiries may be directed to (306) 777-6364.
- Police Information Checks: These are a processed through the RPS Access to Information section. You may contact their office at (306)-777-6652.
Read more on the LA FOIP legislation here:
Contact the Access and Privacy Team:
Please note that this contact information is exclusively for correspondence regarding LA FOIP purposes as stated above.
Phone: (306) 777-8656
Fax: (306) 757-5461
Mailing address:
Attn: Access and Privacy Team