The community crime map is provided by the Regina Police Service as part of its commitment to transparency to the citizens of Regina. It is designed to allow for greater awareness of crime across the city.
The map is updated every 24 hours at approximately 01:00 am. Information on the most up-to-date data can be found within the Community Crime Map.
No. The Community Crime Map includes a subset of all reports that are of likely interest to the majority of Regina citizens and that are appropriate for release within this application. A full list of the crime types available in this mapping application is available in the “Glossary” section. This map excludes a number of crime types for several different reasons. Location of crimes of a sexual nature are often time extremely personal to victims and are therefore not appropriate for release. Additionally, certain crime types, such as frauds, are typically done online without a meaningful geographic location.
There are several reasons why a crime you reported may not show up on the Community Crime Map. Our current map application refreshes data once every 24 hours and maintains data up to 90 days. New reports (less than 24 hours old) or those that are older then 3 months are not currently available. This map also contains only a subset of criminal and non-criminal occurrences which may not include the specific type of crime you may have reported. The crime types included in this application can be viewed within the “Glossary” section. In addition, a small number of files may be excluded due to ongoing investigations or if they are deemed sensitive in nature.
The Regina Police Service has taken great care to ensure that all data published on this map is free of any information that could lead to the identification of a particular individual or entity. We use an automated process to relocate each occurrences from their original location to a nearby intersection. This is part of a balance between an obligation to protect the information of those affected by a crime and a commitment to transparency to the community as a whole. For more information pertaining to privacy issues – please contact our Privacy and Access to Information Unit at
New reports are often dynamic. For example – an early report for a broken residential window (mischief) may later be determined to be an attempted entry to the dwelling. A 24-hour delay has been implemented to mitigate initial data quality concerns in order to provide you with the most accurate picture of crime in the community.
“Wards” and “Subdivisions” are City of Regina boundaries used to define different areas of the city. More information on the categorization of these areas is available via the City of Regina Open Data portal.
You can report a crime or information on a crime in one of three ways:
- Submit a report using our Online Reporting System:
- Contact our front-line staff using our non-emergency number at 306-777-6500
- Submit a tip anonymously through Crime Stoppers
If this is an emergency, please dial 9-1-1
All request for information can be made by completed a “Local Authority Freedom of Information Request” which can be access on our website.
Criminal events can be measured many different ways using a variety of different criteria (including time). Some reports focus only on police-dispatched calls-for-service while others include reports where police may not have been required. Crimes can also be counted at different levels. Uniform Crime Reporting statistics counts a “Crime against the Person” at the victim level which means that a single robbery event of a family could be counted 1 or multiple incidents.
We are always interested in hearing about what we could improve in the future. Please fill out our short survey to let us know how we did.
Yes. While this application has been primarily designed with desktop computer users in mind, it has been optimized to work on both your tablet and mobile device. Some minor differences may exist. For a best experience, visit the application full-screen using a 1920 x1080 screen resolution.
Our Community Crime Map application is still new. Please report all issues (bugs, errors, unexpected behaviors) pertaining to this application using the feedback form on this page. We appreciate your patience and help in making improvements to this new tool.
The new Community Crime Map Application was designed to replace the previous map on the RPS website. While there are no current plans to remove the old map from our website, updates to its data will continue up until the end of 2022.